Our Services

  • Remote consultations.
  • Professional development.
  • Medication provision.
  • Promoting maternal and child health

What We Do?

We promote and conduct research in the field of medicine:

We also study on gender based violence among pregnant women consulting at the anc of the bamenda regional hospital. See this paper.

We educate on the ongoing – attitude of health personnel towards abortion and post abortion care in the North West region of Cameroon.

Check the following services we also provide.

Our network of community health workers together with our in-house doctors carry out consultations for poor and vulnerable community members via text, audio and video calls.

We provide  training on critical aspects for primary health care delivery for community health workers, nurses, midwives and doctors serving  in remote and vulnerable communities.

Easyhealth runs outreach programs focused on the prevention of non communicable diseases among the young and elderly 

Mobile clinics are carried out in remote communities and hospitals where hypertension and diabetic clinics are established. Here , patients with chronic diseases are able to meet monthly to learn more about their diseases, have follow ups and share their stories or struggles with each other.

Easyhealth as a SAAF grantee works to improve information about and access to safe reproductive health care, particularly for those who have experienced gender-based violence, internally displaced persons, widows and sex workers.

They will build the capacity of community healthcare providers, health workers and local drug store owners who will undergo value clarification and attitude transformation (VCAT) training on reproductive rights and safe abortion.

EasyHealth trains community health workers serving in conflict areas on:

  • Basic vital signs.
  • How to carry out rapid tests at bedside.
  • Medication dispensary techniques.

Community health workers trained have access to doctors 24/7 via calls, messaging and text.

Through a chain of local drug stores, we dispense and provide affordable medications to communities.

We educate and equip the youth against the dangers of drug abuse for a better community.

Do you want to support our mission?

Please, feel free to make a donation by using our donation button.

How To Find Us?

Please, fill up the Form and send your queries.


Ntarinkon Bamenda, Cameroon




+(237) 673272777

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