Our Services
- Digital health innovation.
- Sexual & reproductive health and rights.
- Non communicable diseases.
Digital health innovation
EasyHealth is delivering quality healthcare to remote and vulnerable communities where there is no doctor, by supporting frontline health workers (community health workers, nurses, doctors). EasyHealth has built a robust telemedicine service that connects Frontline health workers with remote doctors over low bandwidth video/audio/text connections. The FHW is guided by the doctors to provide evidence-based health services. Through a digital assistant+telemedicine we ensure that the right medical expertise is made available, even when the expert can’t physically be present.
Learn more about our newest innovation – BATI by EasyHealth https://bati.myeasyhealth.org/

Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
The burden of unmet need for sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services in Cameroon remains significant, with many women and girls lacking access to essential services and information. This has far-reaching consequences for their health, well-being, and overall development.
According to a 2021 report by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), an estimated 19% of married women and 40% of sexually active unmarried women in Cameroon have an unmet need for contraception. This means that they want to avoid or delay pregnancy but are unable to due to lack of access to or information about reliable contraceptive methods.
The unmet need for SRH services extends beyond contraception and encompasses a range of issues, including:
- Adolescent health: Adolescents in Cameroon face a range of SRH challenges, including early sexual debut, high rates of teenage pregnancy and unsafe abortions, and a lack of access to information and services.
- Gender-based violence: Gender-based violence (GBV) is a widespread problem in Cameroon, with one in three women reporting experiencing physical or sexual violence from their intimate partner. GBV can have a devastating impact on women’s SRH, including increasing their risk of unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
EasyHealth has partnered with SAAF to provide sexual and reproductive health services to marginalized groups in Cameroon.
Our work in this domain involves:
- Training and capacity building of health personnel on comprehensive sexual and reproductive health service provision
- Provision of SRH services to underprivileged clients
Non Communicable Diseases
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are a major health burden in Cameroon, accounting for 31% of all deaths and 14% of the burden of disease. The most common NCDs in Cameroon are cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, chronic respiratory diseases, and cancers.
The burden of NCDs in Cameroon is expected to increase in the coming years, due to the aging population and the increasing prevalence of risk factors such as obesity, physical inactivity, and unhealthy diets. This increase in the burden of NCDs will have a significant impact on the health and economy of Cameroon.
Our work in fighting NCDs
EasyHealth in partnership with Astrazeneca Young health program is carrying out a project with the main goal of this project is to reduce the risk factors associated with NCDs among young people between the ages 10 to 24 years in Cameroon.
More specifically,
- To increase knowledge of NCDs risk factors among young persons.
- To empower youth peer educators to promote healthy lifestyles within the community.
- To advocate for policies that support healthy lifestyles in the community through schools and youth informal groups.
EasyHealth therefore carries out:
- School-based health education sessions on the prevention of NCDs (reducing exposure to the associated behavioral risk factors).
- Trains peer educators ( students between 12-24 yrs) and school counselors from the selected schools who will help to advocate for behavioral change and promote healthy lifestyles among other youths in schools and in the communities.
- Has Created and maintained a youth NCDs health referral program.
- Has developed edutainment content around physical education and proper dieting which is being disseminated through informal social groups (school clubs, drama clubs and sport groups) and via social media.
Do you want to support our mission?
Please, feel free to make a donation by using our donation button.
Ntarinkon Bamenda, Cameroon
+(237) 673272777